Oct 10, 2011

How GPS works!!!

Here is the seminar by Mr. Siddhartha Kongara, Riktam Technologies......... a detailed explanation of the working of GPS system.

How GPS works part-1

How GPS works part-2

How GPS works part-3

Aug 24, 2011


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Aug 18, 2011

TCS campus placements

Hi Everyone,

            I wanted to share my experience in the TCS recruitment on dec' 10 in our college campus during my final semister. It contained 3 rounds, Written test, Technical round and HR interview.
            1) Written Test : Completely on aptitude and logical questions. Difficulty level is high for the questions. It was an online test. Be very careful and be aware about the online test rules.
               The questions are mostly from TCS previous papers with minor changes. The basic for aptitude questions is from RSAgarval aptitude book. But the standard of qns is high. How fast and how logically you think, is the key for the success in this test. I suggest every one to practice all the previous papers thoroughly.
The following link contains some TCS papers for your reference: click here for TCS old papers.

             2) Second round is Technical round: One of the senior HRs or Project Managers of TCS wil conduct face to face technical round. As it is campus placement and as we are all freshers, mostly we faced questions on basics only. So dont worry much about this round. There may be some qns about TCS and its policies etc. So have some basic idea about the company as well. Be very confident when answering the qns. Being frank also helps. Try to take the HRs concentration to the subject which you likes most/which you are more confident about. Highlight the same in your RESUME also.
              Dont do night outs on the previous night of interviews. Take a good rest. That improves your concentration. Dont listen to others comments about interviews, and dont be panic infront of interviewer. Be very confident.......Be very confident.......Be very confident.

              3) Final round is HR round: Mostly it is a formality round. Your communication skills and confidence levels matters here. General qns about TCS, or about yourself, your study, family background etc will be asked. Again your confidence matters here. Be prepared with a good answer for the question "Tell me About Yourself". And please dont copy others answers. Every one try to think about themselves and write your own answer.

       Finally, my suggestion is, Dont worry about the result...just face the interview with confidence. Its still your first interview, so you have nothing to loss, more to gain..either job or experience :) . One thing is sure,
If you are selected you are lucky and if you are not, you are double lucky ( I dnt tell u Y)
       All the best guys.

Kishor Chandra N,
Software Developer,
Riktam Technologies. 

Aug 11, 2011

To become a Java web developer

Java developer !

Java development in general is a vast field, today Java is used in many types of platforms, that includes Personal computers, Main frames, Hand held portable devices, Mobiles, Smart cards, Games and many more thing. But the biggest stream of java development that creates more jobs than any other stream is the JavaEE platform. The JavaEE platform is used to create the enterprise applications (It includes web applications as well).
This article is about java web development or enterprise application development. Most of the time when you read a job classified for skills, “Spring, Spring MVC, Struts, Hibernate, EJB” they are for java web development.
So, now it’s clear that you want to be a Java web developer and looking for a jump start. So here are the skills that will get you going.

Step 1 : First thing first, Know the basics, Learn core Java

The first thing you must learn is Core Java. Having a solid foundation in core java will help you when you jump into the advanced java. No matter what Java technologies you plan to work on, you will need to use the core java every day. So it is absolutely must to have a good understanding of the core concepts. Learn the basic programming concepts like variables, branching and looping, logical conditions, data types etc.

Good understanding of core java library is a must

Learn core java library, especially collection framework, Threads, java.lang, java.io packages. If you are targeting the web development, you may not want to waste time on the swing.
Get yourself a good core java book that covers the latest java edition JDK 1.6. (When I was a beginner, I read “The complete reference java”)

Step 2 : Learn to use an IDE (integrated development environment)

While working as a professional, you won’t use the plain text editors to write the code, you will have to know how to use IDE. IDE A.K.A code editor will greatly improve your productivity, and make your life easier. Code editors are used to write, compile, run and debug code. They provide features like syntax highlighting, auto completion, can identify the problems in code even before compiling. These are some of the most common features, but there are many more than just these. I will recommend you to learn eclipse which is one of the most popular IDE amongst java developer, and its free.

Step 3 : your first step toward web development, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

I will not explain what HTML or CSS is, there are plenty of resources available on the internet. But understand, this is the most important parts of any web application. Second most important thing to learn is JavaScript, let me clarify, the JavaScript is not java, the similarity in name is for historical reasons. Get yourself into the world of web applications with this three skills, learn some tutorials on the internet or get some good book.

Step 4 : The java web components, Servlet API and JSP

Almost every web application running on internet or intranet which is developed in Java has their roots in Servlet API. So next thing to learn is servlets. Servlet API is the only standard API for java web application development. JSP is also based on the servlet API. Almost all the web frameworks, like Spring MVC, Struts, Wicket uses the servlet API under the hood. Get yourself a good book like “head first servlet”. Having the solid understanding of the Servlet API is quite important. Understand the core concepts like, life cycle, request, response, filters, session, config, context etc.

Step 5 : Learn a web container

Web container is a run time environment or server that is used to deploy and run the web applications or more specifically Web components (Eg servlets or JSP)
Web containers does not know how to run struts or Spring MVC, they just understand the servlet API, but still you can run them on a web container, because ultimately they are based on the Servlet API. You can learn the tomcat, that would be sufficient initially.

Step 6 : Learn JDBC

Almost every web application will need to connect to a database for storing and retrieving persistent data. JDBC is the standard API for database connectivity. So it is quite important that you understand the JDBC well.

Step 7 : Learn a web application framework and an ORM framework

A web application framework is actually a set of libraries that makes developing web applications easier. Struts and Spring MVC are good choices. If you are just starting, I would recommend going with Spring MVC.
ORM stands for object to relational mapping, they are based on JDBC and used for storing and querying the database. But unlike JDBC, ORM frameworks operates on objects and provides ways for storing and retrieving objects. (But be clear, they are ultimately using JDBC under the hood). ORM frameworks reduces lots of boilerplate code, improves productivity and makes developers life easier. Hibernate is the best choice. If you are just starting, read and understand JPA (Java persistence API) which is the standard java ORM API. You can use hibernate for running your JPA code.
That's it. If you know everything I mentioned above well, you are all set to get a job as java web developer.

Step 8 : What next!

Once you are familiar with the things mentioned above, The next step would be to learn the JavaEE (Java enterprise edition). Learn EJB (Enterprise java beans), JSF (Java server faces) and other APIs that are part of the JavaEE. Get a good book that covers the latest JavaEE edition 1.6


Aug 3, 2011

Excel Shortcuts

Excel shortcuts
Alt and Return: Start a new line in the current cell instead of moving to the next one.
F11: Generate a chart from the currently selected data.
Shift/Ctrl and Space: Select the current row/column.
Alt and =: Total the selected cells.
Ctrl and Shift and $: Format selected cells as currency with two decimal places.
Ctrl and ;: Insert current date.
Ctrl and Shift and ': Paste value from the cell above.
Shift and F11: Insert a new worksheet.
Ctrl and PageDown/PageUp: Move between worksheets.
Ctrl and D/R: Fill cell with the contents of the cell either above (D) or to the left (R).

May 26, 2011

The REAL Hero - Bradley Manning

May 26 marks the anniversary of Bradley Manning’s arrest. Manning, 22, was a soldier suspected of leaking evidence of war crimes by his government. As a result, he was arrested and imprisoned without charges. For months he was held in solitary confinement and tormented by his captors.

But Manning is not a prisoner of Libya, Iran or North Korea. Manning was born in Crescent, just an hour from OU’s Norman campus, and his captor is the United States government.

In 2010, WikiLeaks, a journalistic organization devoted to “exposing oppressive regimes,” began publishing classified U.S. documents leaked by an unknown source. We learned many interesting things about our government from these documents, such as the fact that U.S. tax dollars have been spent on drugs and child prostitutes in Afghanistan and U.S. diplomats were ordered to steal the credit card numbers of UN officials.

The national media didn’t focus on the crimes documented in the leaks, preferring instead to repeat vague accusations that WikiLeaks endangered innocent lives.

Prominent among the leaked material was a video of a 2007 Baghdad airstrike, in which a U.S. helicopter fires into a crowd of men — some armed, some civilians — quickly decimating the crowd.

Two of the civilians were Reuters journalists.
“Oh yeah! Look at those dead bastards,” one U.S. soldier said. However, Reuters journalist Saeed Chmagh survived. He crawled along the pavement, trying to stand up.

A van arrived with two children in the front seat. Unarmed men got out of the van and attempted to rescue the journalist. The helicopter opened fire, killing Chmagh and others. Fortunately, both children survived their injuries.

The US government did all it could to obscure the true nature of the incident. One military spokesperson claimed “no innocent civilians were killed on our part deliberately. We took great pains to prevent that ... I don’t know how the children were hurt.”

Despite its claimed innocence, the Pentagon refused to release footage of the attack to Reuters, or to return the cameras taken from the bodies of its journalists. What really happened wasn’t apparent to the public until the video was leaked.

The Obama administration scrambled to deflect blame, claiming the video was taken out of context — as if any context could justify deliberately shooting defenseless adults and children. Obama and his cronies spoke repeatedly on the “treasonous” leak and how it supposedly endangered innocent lives.

With Julian Assange, editor of WikiLeaks, out of its grasp, the government focused its rage on Bradley Manning, the young soldier suspected of being the leak’s original source.

Manning was arrested and held for months in solitary confinement in a windowless cell. He slept on a bed without sheets or a pillow, and was made to present himself naked each morning for “inspection.” In a letter to the public, Manning reported further abuse, including having his eyeglasses confiscated, forcing him to live in “essential blindness.”

Obama registered his approval of Manning’s torture in characteristically vague and noncommittal terms: “I’ve actually asked the Pentagon whether or not the procedures … are appropriate. They assured me they are.”

Manning now faces life imprisonment. This is the price of revealing the crimes of the powerful.

Manning, assuming he is guilty, is surely one of the greatest Oklahoman heroes in recent history. He placed justice for murdered Iraqis above his own life. The hypocrisy of the Obama administration stands in contrast to Manning’s integrity and courage.

Apr 18, 2011

How HTML5 is influencing Web App Development

Over the last 12 months, the momentum behind HTML5 has continued to build, with application developers, browser makers and hardware vendors fully embracing and supporting the web of the future. Consumers have started to embrace HTML5 as well, especially as more users understand the benefits and potential that HTML5 can mean for the future.
With Firefox 4, Google Chrome, IE 9, Safari 5 and Opera all offering better, more robust support for HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, we’re already seeing glimpses of what is possible and what the web of the future may look like.
Let’s look at some of the aspects of HTML5 that are already making their mark on web app development.

Better Typography and Custom Fonts

The Web Open Font Format, or WOFF, might technically be part of the HTML5 specification, but WOFF, SVG and the CSS3 @font-face specification are all commonly used additions to HTML5.
The adoption of web fonts, whether it’s using WOFF, services like Fonts.com, Typekit or the Google Web Font API is increasing at a rapid pace. This development gives content creators, brands and developers a way to better express and control the most important part of an app or website — the text — without having to rely on images or Flash implementations that don’t always work well for translated text or with search engines.
Since first highlighting this trend last year, the number of web apps that support custom fonts using Google, Typekit, Fonts.com or any number of other solutions has only increased. We expect this to continue, especially as adoption of the latest and greatest web browsers continues to grow.

Frameworks, Boilerplates and Toolkits

Last year, Paul Irish and Divya Manian introduced HTML5 Boilerplate to the world.
Over the last seven months, the project has exploded and grown in both scope and support. As we said last year, HTML5 Boilerplate is not a framework. Instead, it’s a template that can be modified by developers for their own use.
HTML5 Boilerplate 1.0 was released on March 21, 2011 with support for optimized build scripts, a custom boilerplate builder, and perhaps most excitingly for app developers — support for lighttpd, Google App Engine and NodeJS, as well as old favorites Apache, Nginx and IIS. The number of websites using HTML5 Boilerplate continues to grow and evolve.
Other companies like Sencha are also working to bring better and more evolved frameworks and toolkits to web app developers. The upcoming Sencha Ext JS 4 is a JavaScript framework optimized to support HTML5 and other web standards.

Examples in the Wild

When Google launched its Chrome Web Store last December, it was one of the best showcases of what HTML5 web apps could offer users.
Over the last few months, more apps have been added to the store and more companies have started to optimize or rewrite their web apps specifically with HTML5.
TweetDeck is one of the most popular Twitter clients on the desktop and is revered by users. Chrome TweetDeck (or ChromeDeck) was one of the big standouts last winter, and it continues to set a high standard for what users can expect from a web application. It’s also the most popular app in the Chrome Web Store.
Earlier this month, TweetDeck announced the limited beta for its TweetDeck Web product. Built using HTML5, TweetDeck Web takes the core of the TweetDeck Chrome app and applies it to other platforms and browsers. The goal is to make the TweetDeck experience browser- and device-agnostic, and it is part of TweetDeck’s broader strategy approaching mobile and desktop apps.
Creative web app company Aviary introduced Feather, its HTML5 Photo Editor, last year. Feather isn’t only a lightweight image editor with lots of cool effects. It can be seamlessly embedded into other web apps to give additional functionality to developers who don’t have time or money to create their own solutions.
In April, Aviary announced its plans to open up its Effects API to web and mobile developers. This will allow developers to easily add effects and filters, auto-correct photos and create thumbnails or quick crops without needing user interaction.

The Future is Bright

I firmly believe that we will continue to see the worlds of web applications and desktop apps converge. It’s already happened with email, chat and social communication — the next step is to make it viable for data processing, multimedia and, ultimately, web development itself.
HTML5 is going to play a big role in enabling web developers do more with pure web apps, without needing to rely on third-party plugins or extensions. As browsers become better attuned and optimized for the evolving HTML standard, the opportunities will only increase.

Apr 15, 2011

Sachin and his 12 non productive centuries

Now the question is did India lose those matches because of Sachin? Well the idea does not seem to have the logic. What more do you ask a batsman than a century in an ODI.  So let’s look at Sachin’s performances in these matches. He has an average of 138 runs in the matches that we have lost at   strike rateof 95%. Well compared to the whooping averageof 207.7 at a strike rate of 103 in the matches that he hit a century and won a 138 seems to be a little faded out but I would give absolve him of the count that he has played slow or was playing for his hundred.
If we look at those matches individually we will be able to conclude further.
So here are the stats from the matches that Sachin made a century but the team lost the match. There are 12 of these oddities and here is the date from those matches. Of the 12 matches 7 matches were situations where India made scores more than 275, which is a generally considered a winning score in a typical ODI, but India lost the games. Either the opposition played extremely well or our bowlers just did not raise to the level. Interestingly in all the matches that we lost after Sachin made a century, his contribution to the net total of the game is around 45%, it all gives us an insight into how the rest of the batsman played the game.

MatchSachin ScoreBalls Facedteam scoreSachins contribution
 1. 137 off 137 balls with 8 fours & 5 sixes.
  • India v Sri Lanka.
  • Wills World Cup – 24th match, Group A.
  • ODI no. 1070 | 1995/96 season.
  • Played at Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi.
  • 2 March 1996 (50-over match).
  • Sri Lanka won by 6 wickets (with 8 balls remaining).
India finished the 50 overs for 271/3. Only other dependable score was from Mohd. Azharuddin(72 off 80 balls). Mr Manoj Prabhakar had brilliant bowling figures of 4-0-47-0. He opened he bowling for India, he also opened batting innings and scored 7 off 36 balls.
2. 100 off 111 balls with 9 fours & 1 six.
  • India v Pakistan
  • Singer Cup – 3rd match
  • ODI no. 1091 | 1995/96 season
  • Played at The Padang, Singapore (neutral venue)
  • 5 April 1996 (50-over match)
  • Pakistan won by 8 wickets (with 30 balls remaining) (revised target)
India was all out for 226 in 47.1 overs. Sachin Tendulkar was stumped out at India’s score of 186/4. Five of the Indian batsmen did not cross the single digit score barrier. And only two others managed to score more than 20 runs. Pakistan had a reduced target due to rains.
3. 110 off 138 balls with 5 fours & 1 six.
  • Sri Lanka v India
  • Singer World Series – 2nd match
  • ODI no. 1106 | 1996 season
  • Played at R Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
  • 28 August 1996 – day/night (50-over match)
  • Sri Lanka won by 9 wickets (with 34 balls remaining)
Again the Indian score was 226 but for 5 wickets in 50 overs. Out of seven batsmen who came to crease, only Azharuddin managed to get past 20 runs score. Sachin performed with balls too with figures of 6-0-29-1, the second most economical bowler of the innings. Azhar deployed seven bowlers, out of which two had bowled with economy rate of more than 7 per over.
4. 143 off 131 balls with 9 fours & 5 sixes.
  • Australia v India
  • Coca-Cola Cup – 6th match
  • ODI no. 1325 | 1997/98 season
  • Played at Sharjah Cricket Association Stadium (neutral venue)
  • 22 April 1998 – day/night (50-over match)
  • Australia won by 26 runs (revised target)
India, chasing under the milky flood lights of Sharjah, had to over past New Zealand’s Net Run Rate to qualify for the finals. The complete world stood still to witness Sachin’s this innings. When Sachin’s innings ended India was 242/5 in 43 overs. Target was 276 to win or 237 to qualify for finals in 46 overs. India with the help of wonderful innings from VVS Laxman & Kanitkar made a massive score 8 runs in the final 3 overs.
5.  101 off 140 balls with 3 fours & 1 six.
  • India v Sri Lanka
  • Coca-Cola Champions Trophy – 1st match
  • ODI no. 1640 | 2000/01 season
  • Played at Sharjah Cricket Association Stadium (neutral venue)
  • 20 October 2000 – day/night (50-over match)
  • Sri Lanka won by 5 wickets (with 37 balls remaining)
India scored 224/8 in 50 overs with 4 single digit scorers and 4 scorers with double digits but less than 20 runs. SL got 225/in 43.5, Sachin also bowled 5-0-22-0, better economy rate than 4 other Indian bowlers of the inning.
6. 146 off 153 balls with 15 fours & 2 sixes.
  • India v Zimbabwe
  • Zimbabwe in India ODI Series – 3rd ODI
  • ODI no. 1658 | 2000/01 season
  • Played at Barkatullah Khan Stadium, Jodhpur
  • 8 December 2000 (50-over match)
  • Zimbabwe won by 1 wicket (with 1 ball remaining)
India finished with 283/8 in 50 overs. Sachin ended his marathon as the 8th wicket down for India at 235/8 in 46.3 overs. Ajit Agarkar and Zaheer Khan together rocketed innings with 48 runs in last 3.3 overs. If you do some elementary maths, you will figure out that 89 was the total score which rest of the eight great top order batsmen scored against the World class Zimbabwean bowling attack. Second Highest scorer was Zaheer Khan with 32. Sachin also got 6-0-35-1.
7. 101 off 129 balls with 9 fours.
  • South Africa v India
  • Standard Bank Triangular Tournament – 1st match
  • ODI no. 1752 | 2001/02 season
  • Played at New Wanderers Stadium, Johannesburg
  • 5 October 2001 – day/night (50-over match)
  • South Africa won by 6 wickets (with 10 balls remaining)
India managed 279/5 in 50 overs with Saurav Ganguly’s 127 off 126 balls and Sachin Tendulkar’s efforts. No other Indian batsmen crossed 20 runs mark, highlighting 1 run knocks from Rahul Dravid. Extras conceded by the South African team were the third highest contributor in Indian score.
8. 141 off 135 balls with 17 fours & 1 six.
  • Pakistan v India
  • India in Pakistan ODI Series – 2nd ODI
  • ODI no. 2114 | 2003/04 season
  • Played at Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium
  • 16 March 2004 – day/night (50-over match)
  • Pakistan won by 12 runs
While on the chase of 329 runs, India was 317 all out in 48.4 overs. Except Sachin, Indian innings starred 2 ducks, 2 single digit scores and 4 double-digit but less than 20 scores. Second highest contributor to Indian score was the Extras by Pakistani team.
9. 123 off 130 with 12 fours & 2 sixes.
  • India v Pakistan
  • Pakistan in India ODI Series – 4th ODI
  • ODI no. 2238 | 2004/05 season
  • Played at Sardar Patel Stadium, Motera, Ahmedabad
  • 12 April 2005 (50-over match)
  • Pakistan won by 3 wickets (with 0 balls remaining)
India finished at 315/6 in 48 overs. Except Dhoni(47 off 64 balls) no other significant score. Extras were again the third highest contributor. Top 3 Indian bowlers, Balaji, Nehra & Zahir, together facilitated 188 runs in their spell of 26 overs. Sachin bowled 6-0-36-1.
10. 100 off 113 with 10 fours & 1 six.
  • Pakistan v India
  • India in Pakistan ODI Series – 1st ODI
  • ODI no. 2324 | 2005/06 season
  • Played at Arbab Niaz Stadium, Peshawar
  • 6 February 2006 (50-over match)
  • Pakistan won by 7 runs (D/L method)
Indian innings completed at 328 all out in 49.4 overs. Irfan Pathan & MS Dhoni scored 65 & 68 runs respectively. Sachin was LBWed at 305/5 in 45 overs. India managed only 23 runs in last 5 overs costing 5 more wickets. Sreesanth conceded 75 runs from his 10 overs. Pakistan won by D/L method.
11. 141 not out off 148 with 13 fours & 5 sixes.
  • India v West Indies
  • DLF Cup – 2nd match
  • ODI no. 2414 | 2006/07 season
  • Played at Kinrara Academy Oval, Kuala Lumpur (neutral venue)
  • 14 September 2006 – day/night (50-over match)
  • West Indies won by 29 runs (D/L method)
India amassed 309/5 in 50 overs. Sachin Tendulkar was not out and Pathan was the only other batsman to score more than 50.
12. 175 off 141 balls with 19 fours & 4 sixes.
  • India v Australia
  • Australia in India ODI Series – 5th ODI
  • ODI no. 2923 | 2009/10 season
  • Played at Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Uppal, Hyderabad
  • 5 November 2009 – day/night (50-over match)
  • Australia won by 3 runs
India was chasing a huge target of 351 in 50 overs which was set by Australia. Indian pace attack conceded 220 runs in just 28 overs while bowling first. India began the chase in style with Sachin & Sehwag. And in the end India fall short of just 3 runs getting all out on 347 in 49.4 overs. Except Sachin Tendulkar, it was just Suresh Raina who scored past 50. Seven of the Indian batsmen returned to pavilion with single digit score.
With those individual match statistics I more than convinced that there is no co-relation between Sachin centuries and India losses. But it brings out the irrefutable fact of any team sport; one man cannot save a game if the rest of the team fails. End of it cricket is a team sport a game played by 11 to win a game and one man cannot influence the result of the game. He might be able to single-handedly save some games but not all the games.
By the way I did not know that Sachin averages a 207 in the games that he made a century and India has won….i don’t think anyone has that average in the history of the game. That is another record that will take a long time to break…..